Monday, October 25, 2010

Website wonder

If you haven't tried the SparkPeople website, I totally recommend it.  It is fabulous.  It has typical weight loss stuff like healthy recipes, articles, and fitness information, but it does even better than that.  You can map out your walking/riding path and save your routes.  You can have your recipes analyzed, and it not only tells you the calories, fat, fiber, carbs and protein, but gives you an entire nutritional label for your recipe, including vitamins in it!  There are a bunch of other tools and features, but I won't outline them here.  I am sure there is a ton I don't even know about yet.  Check it out.

1 comment:

  1. I just signed up on the website. Not sure yet if it will help since I'm eating 5 meals a day with Medifast. I want to check out recipes first thing.
